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What Are Forgiveness, Forgiveness Therapy, and Forgiveness Education?


In this talk, Professor Enright will define the moral virtue of forgiveness from the philosophical perspective of the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle.  He then will describe what Forgiveness Therapy is and an empirically-verified pathway used by therapists to aid clients, suffering from persistent resentment, in forgiving those who have acted unjustly against them.  He then will describe a preventive model of forgiveness education to aid children and adolescents in better understanding forgiveness so that they can apply this in their lives when treated unfairly by others now as well as when they become adults.



Robert Enright

羅伯特恩萊教授是寬恕科學研究的先驅,指導多個國家的學者進行相關學術研究,對於寬恕理論與應用的發展具有崇高的學術地位與影響。曾獲得社會科學研究希爾代爾獎、WARF講座教授,亞里斯多德寬恕科學講座教授、年度傑出和平教育者獎、保羅哈里斯院士、美國世界名人錄、美國教育名人錄、亞倫貝克機構國家獎、威拉研究競賽獎等多項獎項,以及諾貝爾和平獎數次提名。恩萊教授研究主題多集中於道德發展,擔任「兒童發展(Child Development)」及「早期青少年期刊(Journal of Early Adolescence)」等學術期刊編輯委員。由於研究表現傑出,於90年代創立國際寬恕學院並召開寬恕與道德發展主題研討會議,持續活躍於學術界。他是位優秀的教育者,獲頒校級傑出教學獎和威斯康辛學生會教學獎等獎項,也是一位暢銷作者與受訪者,其專書與科普作品主要於美國心理學會(APA) 出版,受訪專文則刊登於時代雜誌、洛杉磯時報、芝加哥論壇報和美國廣播公司等媒體,推展研究與應用於社會大眾亦廣受歡迎。

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